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Cristal clear business

Nosotros Murano Group International, como  equipo de trabajo en el Mercado de los Commodities hemos realizado alianzas estratégicas con colegas en el medio con muchos años de experiencia y con sede de sus operaciones en Asia, Europa y Sur América, específicamente en  India, China, Londres, Venezuela y Argentina, actualmente nos encontramos en el proceso de armar nuestra infraestructura  Legal y Operacional en Venezuela; contamos con una cartera de  clientes  confiables y serios, ubicados en el Reino Unido, Europa, India, China, Emiratos Árabes y Sur América.


Iron ore is formed of rocks, minerals or meteorites from which metallic iron can be extracted.
Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) – or sponge iron – is processed iron ore that is iron-rich enough to be used as a scrap substitute in electric furnace steelmaking.


Facilitate negotiations between the buyer and the seller, with the support of our team in the materialization of the boarding and their respective documentation.

Logistical support in documentation of shipments as a support for the national and international companies, to explore the differentopportunities available in the market with a view to facilitating